Research papers

My complete list of publications can be found on Google Scholar or Inspire. Here is a selection organized by subjects.

Quantum information

A correspondence between quantum error correcting codes and quantum reference frames, with A. Chatwin-Davies, P. A. Hoehn and F. M. Mele, [arXiv:2412.15317]

Gauge and gravitational edge modes

Edge modes as dynamical frames: charges from post-selection in generally covariant theories, with S. Eccles and P. A. Hoehn, SciPost Phys. 2024, [arXiv:2205.00913]

Edge modes as reference frames and boundary actions from post-selection, with P. A. Hoehn, JHEP 2022, [arXiv:2109.06184]

Random tensors (selection)

Tensor models and group field theories: combinatorics, large N and renormalization, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, 2nd edition, [arXiv:2404.07834]

Melonic large $N$ limit of $5$-index irreducible tensors, with S. Harribey, Commun. Math. Phys. 2022, [arXiv:2104.03665]

Multiple scaling limits of $U(N)^2 \times O(D)$ multi-matrix models, with D. Benedetti, R. Toriumi and G. Valette, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré D 2022, [arXiv:2003.02100]

Large $N$ limit of irreducible tensor models: $O(N)$ rank-$3$ tensors with mixed permutation symmetry, JHEP 2018, [arXiv:1803.02496]

The $1/N$ expansion of the symmetric traceless and the antisymmetric tensor models in rank three, with D. Benedetti, R. Gurau and M. Kolanowski, Commun. Math. Phys. 2019, [arXiv::1712.00249]

$O(N)$ random tensor models, with A. Tanasa, Lett. Math. Phys. 2016, [arXiv:1512.06718]

Group field theory (selection)

Flowing in Group Field Theory space: a review, SIGMA 2016, [arXiv:1603.01902]

Discrete renormalization group for $SU(2)$ Tensorial Group Field Theory, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré D 2015, [arXiv:1407.4615]

Renormalization of an $SU(2)$ Tensorial Group Field Theory in three dimensions, with D. Oriti and V. Rivasseau, Commun. Math. Phys. 2014, [arXiv:1303.6772]

Renormalization of Tensorial Group Field Theories: Abelian $U(1)$ models in four dimensions, with D. Oriti and V. Rivasseau, Commun. Math. Phys. 2014, [arXiv:1207.6734]