I am a mathematical physicist working primarily at the intersection of gravitational physics, quantum theory and combinatorics. I have worked extensively on group field theory and tensor models, which are higher order generalizations of the theory of random matrices. The large $N$ limit of random tensors has been used to investigate (Euclidean) quantum gravity in dimension $d ≥ 3$, and to probe the strongly-interacting regime of quantum field theory. I am currently exploring applications of similar techniques to quantum information, more specifically to the theory of multipartite entanglement. In addition, I am interested in the mathematics of gauge and gravitational theories in the presence of space-time boundaries (including asymptotic ones). In this context, I have worked on covariant phase space methods designed to capture the dynamical effects of boundary degrees of freedom (or edge modes).
PhD in Mathematical Physics, 2013
Université Paris-Sud 11 (now Paris-Saclay)
Agrégation de Mathématiques, 2010
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Master in Theoretical Physics, 2009
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon